Thursday, August 11, 2011

Different Colored Threads

In preparation for this post, I reviewed some of my previous ones.  I realized that the previous few posts have been about some of the important people in my life.  Well, I hope not to disappoint, but this one will follow suit.  I've contemplated exactly what I wanted to say as there is much I want to communicate.

A common theme on my blog as well as in my life revolves around relationships.  People come, and people go.  Some leave a brief impression while others leave an impression that will forever be a part of the components creating my muchness.  Each person's impression is woven into the fabric of my life in their own color of thread.  I don't remember the first time I met many of the people in my life, but there is one of my life-long friends who does not fall into this category.  I still vividly recall the day the Moore family came to West End Baptist Church "in view of a call".  My church needed a pastor.  Little did I know that he was bringing with him an 11 year old daughter who would become one of my best friends!

I still giggle when I recall her confession that she thought I was cool because I had Teen Spirit deodorant in my purse.  Hey, at least I smelled good!  Then, I think forward over our teen years spent together blundering through the years of becoming.  People sometimes compared us to Lucy and Ethel (I was Lucy) as we always had some brilliant idea in the works.  Her mom's kitchen was our laboratory where things like sour cream icing were created.  Yes, it's as disgusting as it sounds.  We could be found on the tennis court anytime we weren't at some type of church function.  As doubles partners, we were a fierce team!  Fried okra and Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream were always on the menu.  Hours of dreaming took place as we lay flopped across her bed, never really anticipating where the road of life would take us.

Now, 18 years later, there are other things that I appreciate even more.  Her home has become one of my favorite places to visit.  I walk into the door, and within 3 minutes part of me feels like the teenage girl all over again.  I can say anything, do anything, and be anything in her presence without the fear of judgment.  The performance mentality is checked at the door, and I have the pleasure of just being me!  

Today, I celebrate you, my Michie!  Thanks for all that you mean to my life, all the things listed and the personal things I couldn't. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet tribute to her! I know she will love this! :)
